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The attorneys of Daughtry, Woodard, Lawrence, & Starling

Should you talk to the other driver’s insurance company after an accident?

On Behalf of | May 2, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

According to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, nearly 115,000 people were injured in motor vehicle accidents in 2021.

Dealing with insurance companies becomes a necessary step after a vehicle accident, but knowing if and when to speak with the other driver’s insurance company can be important for your claim.

Understand your rights

It is important to understand your rights before you communicate with another driver’s insurance company. You are not obligated to provide them with any information beyond basic details about the incident. Be cautious about what you say. They might try to get you to admit fault or say something that could impact your claim negatively. It is wise to stick to the facts without giving opinions or unnecessary details.

Consult your insurance company

Before you contact the other driver’s insurance, speak with your own insurer. They can give you guidance on how to handle the situation and might even communicate on your behalf.

Consider legal advice

If there are injuries or significant damage, consulting a lawyer can be beneficial. They can handle communications with insurance companies to ensure that your rights are protected and that you do not say anything that could jeopardize your case. Many insurance companies try to minimize the amount they must pay to you, but a lawyer will work to protect your best interests.

Document everything

Keep thorough records of all communications with insurance companies. If you decide to talk to them, document the date, time, and a summary of the conversation. This documentation is necessary in case of discrepancies or disputes.

Communicate only when ready

If you choose to speak with the other party’s insurer, ensure that you have all the necessary documentation ready, such as the police report and details of the accident. Provide only factual information, and avoid discussing fault or personal opinions.

By understanding these key points and proceeding with caution, you can navigate the complexities of dealing with the other driver’s insurance company effectively while safeguarding your own interests.